Driving traffic to your blog is one hell of a job .We all may have struggled and gone through similar experience as newbies. Believe me , bombarding the Blogger with posts , following blogs and expecting the favour to be returned , liking blog posts without even reading them , does not work in the long run . The sustenance comes only if you have unique visitors who are genuinely interested in your post you are able to engage the visitor is one important rule.of blogging. No doubt The #SEO and #Adwords are important elements to fetch traffic to the blogs but over a period of time I realised there are quite a few tricks that keeps your blog rolling . Of late I have been spending hours and hours together doing the extensive research on the web , sleeping only for 4 hours a day ,though it has given me dark circles under my eyes and I feel its worth the effort after I look at the end result. There are quite a few #websites which offer you free tutorial videos and spam your inbox once you have registered with them but at the same time there are others who give you step by step tips and training which are quite easy to follow and The #top10 #websites which I feel one must visit to improve upon and make your blogging a fruitful experience are numbered below . My honest advise one must go through them and follow if possible the tips and tricks suggested by them.Happy Blogging!! #10 #blog
1. bloggertipstrics.com
2. hashscore.com
3 neilpatel.com
4 lifehacker.com
5 theminimamlist.com
6 mymagicfundas.com
8 about.com
9 wikihow.com
10 udemy.com
In the end I would like to say do think of me who spent hours to do the research , so do let me know if it worked for you !
Image Credits Google Image Search Result
#websites to learn from , #bloggingtipsandtricks